Friday, July 16, 2021

Interesting Facts That You Should Know About Kikuyu Grass

A number of factors have contributed in making Kikuyu grass immensely popular in Australia, but there are some who oppose and say that there are other better turfs too. There is no doubt about the same and in fact, there is an entire range of turfs, but all of them are better in different ways. 

The people of Australia love this turf because of features like rapid lush green growth, drought hardiness, resistance to wear and ability to survive gardener neglect.

If you are planning to get this turf installed, continue reading this post, as we have determined some top facts, features and characteristics of this Kikuyu turf that make it so popular in Australia.


  • This grass was first brought to Australia around one century back in 1920s and at that time, it was categorised as a "pasture grass" for cattle.
  • It was the native of Kenya and later in the 1960s, it saw transformations and later, it became the top grass in the Australian Continent.
  • The modern-day variant of this grass is not as aggressive as the former Kikuyu grass of the early days and at present, it’s very sterile.
kikuyu grass

  • This turf experiences really good quality and lush green turf throughout the winter and summer season. 
  • This grass is better than others because it puts down deep roots.
  • It can thrive really-really well in the hot weather conditions and because of disease-resistant properties; it stays immune through the summer season.
  • Kikuyu grass has broad coarse leaves (25 to 40 mm long and 4 to 5 mm wide) and hard runners.
  • Because of having really aggressive growth rate and self-repair properties, this makes it a very economically available Kikuyu turf.
  • Kikuyu is renowned for its vigorous growth in most conditions and although it is not a shade loving grass it will tolerate some shade.
  • Growing the turf requires preparation, but not too much and mainly includes spraying, rotary hoeing, and levelling. 

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Image Source: Known for its lush green and vibrant appearance, soft...