Monday, May 17, 2021

Some Basic Information on Buffalo Grass Maintenance and Care

We all have lawns outside our homes, but the main difference is of the turf used there. Those who use buffalo grass or turf enjoy more benefits of the lawn as compared to those having any other turf installed. 

As compared to others, this turf is much more versatile and this is why your buffalo lawn Sydney too would be more delightful, appealing, greener and well-maintained than others.


The first thing you will immediately notice about this grass is its height because of the fact that it’s a low growing grass with the maximum height of 25-30 cms. 

Since it’s a warm season grass, very rarely, you will see it reaching the height of 25 or 30 cms.

Buffalo grass is known for its stoloniferous growth habit and because of this, there are curly leaves and even pistillate and stagnate kinds of flowers. 

It has managed really well to adapt to Australian conditions, climate and environment to become one of the most loved grasses of Australia.



To keep it looking lush green, rich and healthy, the user will require a carefully designed fertiliser application plan. 

In this regards, experts recommend fertilising buffalo lawn Sydney every couple of months using the fertiliser as recommended by the lawn supplier.

buffalo lawn Sydney

The fact is that any fertiliser with very high nitrogen content would work really well for buffalo grass as well as other kinds of turfs as well.

Lawn Mowing-

Not too much of mowing is required since is not that aggressive in terms of growth, but for preventing thatching and scalping, this step becomes crucial for this grass.

In summer and spring season, mowing once in a week is enough.

People may know :Things to Keep In Mind While Buying a Fertiliser for Matilda Turf


Lawn suppliers recommend buffalo grass watering only in the morning time to make sure that it enough water to survive well during the hotter part of the day.

Turf Laying and Watering Tips for Soft Leaf Buffalo Grass

Image Source: Known for its lush green and vibrant appearance, soft...